GM Connectors | Delphi Connectors GM Pigtails
GM Delphi Connector Index, Cataloged by Engine Type: TPI, LT1, LS1, LS2, LS3, LS9

At Speed Scene Wiring, we believe in giving the customer the power to create their very own wiring system, one that will personally take them, to the time and space – they need to be. This is the data section is dedicated to the exploration and research on GM Delphi part numbers, connector faces and terminals. We will be listing the data based on the engine name: example – LS1, Camaro. Once again you will need to be a monthly subscriber to receive access. The basic monthly subscription is will usually cover everything in our site, you will be notified at once, if you click on a file that requires a premium subscription.
Examples of Delphi Sensors and related Connectors, Terminals, seals
- Old style TPS connector 1984-1993
- O2 connector, sensor end
- IAT connector 1992 and up GM
- ALDL Connector all GM vehicles 1984-1995 Y-Body 1984-1995
- The intended purpose for this connector is to convert the old style coil
- (4 Pin) over to the 1996-99 three pin coil. Vortec style.
- Coil connector for the LS1 1998
- Ground lug 3 wire
- Ground lug 2 wire
- Battery power fuse-able link
- Oil pressure switch connector
- Heated O2 connector
- New style IACV on all 1994 – 2001 F-Body cars
- New style VSSĀ standard transmission vehicle